Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hump Day Homework (never sure how to title these...)

"Visit my booth." -Matthew Stevens, to present his MGP tomorrow during 4th block

Save him from getting an AP and being tossed into Mount Doom!

Chinese economy going to pass the U.S.  Click here.
Growth at .01 %.    Click here.


*M: 1, 2, 3
**T: 4, 1, E
W: 2, 3, 4
R: 1, 2, 3, 4
F:  Advisory #6, Elective, iFest
S:  PTSA Goodwill House Competition. Click here.

PROM IS DUE 5/5.  Click here.


-Set D pg. 174 #1-3


-Work on your lab report!  There are links to both packets to the right. 


-Write them peer reviews
-NOTEBOOK due tomorrow
~Here is the table of contents.


- It is on May 12 for West and East and May 13 for North and South.  A study guide shall be posted shortly.

Senior Project:

-Blog 21: mentorship, is on its way...

-You must have 63 articles recorded in your research notebook by Tuesday.

-Work on that lesson plan...


-The PTSA scholarship is due soon, as is that Medium one that Ortega mentioned in class (flyer on her door).

-The Great Pacific Garbage Patch sits, accumulating trash, poisoning the ocean... Read about it here.

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