Monday, May 5, 2014

Senior Presentation Switches

1) You may have been moved to another presentation!  Why?: Because some folks were not able to sign up for THEIR OWN presentation and only 16 seniors are allowed per presentation.  That means I had to switch the presenter with a random viewer who signed up for their time slot.  I advise that you double check which presentations you are signed up for by going to the SignUp website, clicking on the Viewers tab, then clicking on your name.

2) Switches are a senior privilege, however, you need the consent of the person you want to switch with.  If you would like to switch out of the senior presentation you are viewing, start by printing out the "Senior Presentation Switch Contract"(under Senior Presentations on this blog).  To figure out who you can ask to switch with, you will need to go access the SignUps webpage, and click on the Viewers tab (list of students and the presentation they are going to) and the Presentations tab (list of attendance per presentation date).

3) Switch contracts are due this Thursday at 1:30pm.  

-Mrs. P

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