Monday, June 17, 2013

Blog 1 Feedback: 2014 Need to Knows

2014 Questions

1.  Questions related to the 2-hour presentation
·      Make time = You spoke for the minimum requirement to pass.  Passing is a CR.
·      You will have as many answers to your EQ as you back up, but you may only present a 2-4 during your 2-hour.
·      1 activity is the minimum requirement
·      It is 2 hours of time.  The average presentation is about 1 hour and 10 minutes. 
·      Planning regarding where you present and set up, don’t worry about for now.  If you do a year long senior project, you will be able to do a successful 2-hour. 
·      Yes, you have to reference your research throughout presentations senior year
·      You will have a 2-hour advisor who will help you second semester with your 2-hour
·      Don’t worry about the 2-hour till second semester.  You are given component contracts/rubrics for the senior project.  There is a packet.

2.  Mentorship Component
·      10 hours in the summer and 50 hours during the school year
·      The 50 hours must be done during the school year, but it doesn’t need to be every month.  You can finish it all in lets say January and February.
·      Take photos of your experience
·      You can have more than one mentor, but I don’t suggest more than two.

3.  Research Component
·      You will be researching all year.  So by the end you may have 50, 70, or more pieces of research. I wouldn’t worry about it now.  Just do what is expected weekly and it works out.
4. EQ
·      First semester we will have you research the foundation of your topic with the hope of forming what we call a working EQ.  By January, you will need to write an official EQ.
·      The official EQ is more specific.
·      The first semester development of your foundation is key to writing an EQ.  Do your research weekly.
·      Topics can be anything with the exception of astrology or pornography.  You should know your topic as of the first day of senior year. 

5.  Independent Components
·      There are 2 and each is worth 30 hours. 
·      Independent component 1 is foundation focused.  You make up your own component and show 30 hours of work on it. 
·      Independent component 2 is answer focused.  You make up your own component and show 30 hours of work on it.   
·      Nothing to worry about for now unless you are taking a college class first semester or quarter of senior year.

6.  NC rules
·      If you don’t do a component, we will hold you under NC rules till you complete the component.  You will know for sure you are in this situation.
·      How the project is graded?  Lets wait till next year to show you this.

Senior project next year will be its own course.  It will be a separate grade on your transcript.  This is a change from past experiences.  We are working this out this summer and will update you next year. 

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