Saturday, August 31, 2013

Senior ASB Update

Do you want to know what is going on with the fast food strike?   Click here.

1.  We are close on a prom site.   Prom Committee 1 has visited interested sites and will be reporting back soon on it.

2. We will be starting the Recycling Competition next week.   The representatives from each house will be taking the recyclables every Friday for the next four weeks ( 9-6, 9-13, 9-20 and 9-27).  If you plan to bring beer cans or bottles, please bring them on Friday so the reps take them that day.  Winning house will get 4 points, 3 for second, 2 for third and 1 for fourth.  Most money wins!

Who are the reps?
  • South:  Jessica
  • East: Brendan, Seriah, Darlene
  • North: Kim
  • West:  Alexis
If you end up helping them on a regular basis, I will add you to the committee.

3.  Bring water for extra credit.  24 pack of water can be donated per class per semester for extra credit.  Bring all donations to Purther.  He will inform the senior team of your extra credit.

4. Go to the dance on 9/20.  We get 1/2 of the profit, plus it is fun and your last first dance in the history of your life.

5. Charity 1: Operation Military Kid Donation:  9/23 to 10/11 (see your rep for questions: Jeremy (S), Jon (W), Lara (E), Sarah (N)

6.  Buy your cap and gown and send Purther the receipt.  Or send him an email telling him you will be using a cap and gown from a prior alumni (please note who).

7.  Senior Sweater ideas...submit ideas by 9/20 (click here to design)

8.  Wednesday evening scholarship meeting for your parents (click here)

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