What rights should
Xlandia protect? Freedom of speech? Right to a speedy trial? We will investigate a number of court cases
with the intent to determine five most important rights Xlandia should protect
in their Constitution.
A. Cases:
You are responsible
for 2 cases. The number matches your
group number.
- Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeter (1)
- Lemon vs. Kurtzman (2)
- Tinker vs. Des Moines (3)
- Katz vs. United States (4)
- Rochin vs. California (5)
- Roe vs. Wade (6)
- Brown vs. Board of Education (7)
- Miranda vs. Arizona (8)
- Lawrence vs. Texas (1)
- Gideon vs. Wainwright (2)
- Hernandez vs. Texas (3)
- Stanley vs. Georgia (4)
- United States vs. Eichmann (5)
- Vernonica vs. Acton (6)
- Loving vs. Virginia (7)
- Hollingsworth vs. Perry (8)
B. Review
the selected case and answer the following questions in all of your notebooks.
1. What is the backstory that lead up to this
case? What was the conflict?
2. Who were the majority and minority Supreme
Court justices who wrote the opinions?
3. Where in the Constitution did this case
address and why (aka citation)
4. What was the Supreme Court’s decision in the
case and why?
5. Do you agree with the decision? Why or why not?
C. Prepare a poster for a presentation. The poster should include:
- Creative slogan/title
- 5 visuals at the interpretive level (read between the lines). 1 visual per question.
- ½ of the poster is one case, the other ½ is the other case----or back and front. You only get one piece of paper.
D. Presentation
- Reporter introduces members first by stating their role, expertise, and slogan/title
- Group presents both cases by presenting the visuals.
- Students in the audience write down the name of the case and the Supreme Court decision. Please note that every student is responsible for all the cases.
Facilitator: Check for understanding, lead discussion, and
make sure all group members get they help they need.
Resource Manager: Get
your groups to read, get the group to discuss the details, and find all
Reporter: Organize the group’s report, organize the
group presentation, and present introduction.
RULE OF THREE for Preparation
- Roles played
- All group members have answered questions in their notebook
- Poster meets expectations
- Reporter role implemented correctly
- Presented both cases using the ten symbols
- Everybody participates
*After the presentation, be prepared to answer up to three
questions. Presuming you addressed the
Rule of Three, you will need to answer the three questions for
proficiency. Everybody should be ready
to answer any question. Once called on,
the student must answer, nobody can help that student.
QUESTIONS: Facilitator
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