"Good luck needs no explanation." -- Shirley Temple
- Presidential vs. Parliamentary - 1 page of Cornell Notes for M/T
- LC Disc. 3 - Cornell Notes
- Update book report and rest of Comp. Book (due by end of month)
- Voting Methods for the Best Song (if you haven't finished yet)
- None
- Research Check
Reminders & Announcements:
- The last day to finalize your quote is September 25 by 2 pm! We will not make any changes after that date!
- Prom is Fri. May 16 (5/16) @ Old Ranch Country Club (Site Info here)
- Operation Military Kid Donation: 9/23 to 10/11 (reps: Jeremy (S), Jon (W), Lara (E), Sarah (N)
- Keep up the Recycling Competition!
- Senior Sweater ideas? submit by 9/20 (Click here to design)
- Don't forget to buy your cap and gown. Bring the receipt to show to Purther for evidence or if you are borrowing it note who's it is.
- Got your dance ticket yet? It's tomorrow!
Spirit Week! You have to wear three different things. It is also a house competition.
- Monday: Black and White
- Tuesday: Nerd and Jock
- Wednesday: Band T- Shirts
- Thursday: Class Color
- Friday: 50's style
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