Wednesday, April 23, 2014


      finish peer reviews and work on revision due on sat. 

       work on lab report due at the end of class next rotation


      Yearbook assignment due Friday
       independent component due Friday  
       pay 60 for prom by 5/5
Senior Class Committees
  • Just a reminder that 10% of the Social Science assessment is your participation with the 2014 committee process (your association).  Purther will putting grades in the gradebook so you can see how the committee grade may impact your assessment.    Email him if you have any questions.  Please make sure this is accurate.  Click here.   Grades are not set yet , there may be changes based on what happens over the next month.  For example, if you are scheduled for iFest and don't show or come late, I will update the assessments.   It works the other way too. 

Hunzeker Announcement


ANY SENIOR who was accepted to any CSU MUST provide proof they do not need to take the EPT/ELM or they have registered to take the May 3rd test.  This is the ONLY WAY you get to attend the CSU you were invited to attend.

PRESENTLY the only CSU still taking May 3rd testers is CSU San Diego.  Go to and register TONIGHT!  Do not take a May 14th or June test.  IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Bring me proof you have registered.  Last year two students were bumped out of CSU's because they did not take the tests in time.  The year before we lost 1 student.  

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