Thursday, April 3, 2014

Homework 4/4-4/5

  To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
    -Albert Einstein

  • Extra Credit.  Really Click Here.  Prove you read it and understood it for extra credit.  Email me what you do as a result of showing you understood.  Attach the thing you created or did.
  • Exam on Monday (Tuesday for South)

  • none
  • Turn in final Intro and searching to on Saturday
  • Exercise Set C &D (1-4)

Senior Project:

  • Do additional research checks
  • Research Count Monday 4/7 (51 articles)
  • Fourth Interview due 4/11
  • Independent Component 2 due 4/25
  • LACOE survey.  Click here
  • PTSA scholarship.  Click here.
  • Turn in candy $
  • 4/1 Talent Show
  • 4/2 Diversity Club Meeting in Piggott's 
  • 4/4 Restaurant Fundraiser
  • 4/11 Fourth Interview Due
  • 4/11 National Submarine Day House Party
  • 4/14-4/18
  • 4/23 Blood Drive 2
  • 4/24 Skating
  • 4/25 Independent Component 2 due
  • 5/2 iFest
  • 5/16 Prom.  Click here.
  • Talent of the Masters meets Tuesday
  • Prom 4 (planning) is meeting Monday
  • Prom 5 (Music) and Prom 6 (Photography) needs members
  • Towels (Charity):  See Devanna for questions
  • Breakfast 2:  See Jasmin for questions
  • Breakfast 1:  Keep working
  • Prom 3:   See Isabel for questions
  • Roller Skating:  Make it a big deal on campus and encourage folks to buy

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