Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Homework: 5/7

  • Study for the final on May 12th
    •  Be able to answer the EQ. (have a few answers to come up with your final answer)  
    • Be able to go through the notebook and jot down assignment numbers you think relate to the answer.
      • EQ: What is the most important role of citizenship in our democracy?
  • Complete Nano Science questions (found on the blog under physics resources). Due by the start of next block.
  • I-Search paper due Sat. @ 10 AM (w/ Works Cited)
  • Reviews due 10 PM to tonight.
  • Review Questions pg 177 # 6-10
  • Test on Ch. 9/Ch. 10
    • 1/2 Wed., 5.14.14
    • 3/4 Thurs., 5.15.14
  • Things to expect on the test:
    • Focus on problems from Ch.9/Ch.10
    • Chapter 9
    •  Review the box on pg.143 (things that don't change the "r")
    • Set A # 10
    • Set B # 3,4 (hint draw the t-table; x and y)
    • Review Exercises: #5, 6, 12c
    • Ch. 10: 
      • Set A: # 1, 2, 4
      • Set B: # 2, 4
      • Set C: # 2 (percentile)
* Also, you should be able to take a data set and calculate "r"

Senior Project:
  • Prepare for Exit Interviews; make sure you dress formal

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