Monday, April 28, 2014

HW First Rotation + Update on the 5th Interview! + Lab Questions for Section VII


*M: 1, 2, 3
**T: 4, 1, E
W: 2, 3, 4
R: 1, 2, 3, 4
F:  Advisory #6, Elective, iFest
S:  PTSA Goodwill House Competition. Click here.

**Blog 20 is due.  Click here.

NOTE:   TUE/WED rotation in Purther's seniors will be interviewing the juniors.  Be prepared with questions. 

Straight from Purther: "You interview them by using your project as an example to drive the questions. What topics are you considering and why?  Then you tell them what you considered and why you picked your topic.  You give info they give info and feedback by you."

PROM IS DUE 5/5.  Click here.


-Set B due tomorrow, West House

-Set C for everybody else (and to be assigned tomorrow to West House)

(both page 161)


-Get ready for that final coming up...
-Junior interview tomorrow for West (Wednesday for E, N and S). Your goal is to help them select what they plan to do and show them potential of what they could do with their topic.    How do you do this?  By sharing with them your own examples.  For instance, you could ask them What topic ideas do they have and why?  You could start by sharing with them what topic ideas you originally had and why you chose the one you did.    How will you document it?  You ask them questions, they have answers, you write down the answers.  Be sure to note who you interviewed.   If you interviewed more than one person, note both people you interviewed and their responses.


-Work on your lab report, which is due Friday to
1) What has made this experiment meaningful to your science experience during senior year? (Each person in your group should write a paragraph answer for this question.  Clearly label which answer correspond to group members.)
2) In nanofabrication labs, scientists make microprocessor chips in cleanrooms; these rooms prevent dust and human hair from interfering with the creation of microprocessor chips.  The chips are very sensitive to light because they are made with layers of chemicals.  One chemical in particular – photoresist - will completely disintegrate if it is exposed to UV light, thereby destroying the chip’s ability to be used in an electronic device. 
a.     Why are cleanrooms where photoresist is used illuminated with yellow light instead of standard fluorescent lights? 
b.     Why does photoresist disintegrate when exposed to UV light? 


-The Finding 3 Draft is due tomorrow to!


-Check it out.  Learn how to make apple cider!

Steal the sky!

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