Friday, April 25, 2014

Schedule 4/28-5/2


*M: 1, 2, 3
**T: 4, 1, E
W: 2, 3, 4
R: 1, 2, 3, 4
F:  Advisory #6, Elective, iFest
S:  PTSA Goodwill House Competition. Click here.

*Presentation sign ups are open again at 1PM
**Blog 20 is due.  Click here.

NOTE:   TUE/WED rotation in Purther's seniors will be interviewing the juniors.  Be prepared with questions.

 Homework.  Click here.

PROM IS DUE 5/5.  Click here.

  • Exit Interview Schedule has been posted on the blog under "Senior Presentations".
  • PTSA scholarship.  Click here.
  • Turn in candy $
  • 4/30 Movie Night
  • 5/2 iFest
  • Monday 5/5 Be prepared to pay for Prom by 2:00 PM.  $60 per person.  Pay Purther.
  • 5/6 Final Research Count (63 articles)
  • 5/9 Final information regarding college choice due to your house teacher
  • 5/9-5/20 Exit Interviews for Senior Project
  • 5/10 iSearch Final due
  • 5/13 Mentorship hours due (all 50)
  • 5/16 (Friday) Prom. 
  • 5/21-6/2 Senior Presentations
  • 5/26 (Saturday) Hike to the Bridge Nowhere.   We are going to meet there at 8AM.  Click here.
  • 6/3 Graduation Practice
  • 6/4 Evening Presentation
  • 6/5 Senior Breakfast
  • 6/5-6/6 Grad Night
  • Talent of the Masters meets Tuesday
  • Prom 4 (planning) is meeting Monday
  • Prom 5 (Music) and Prom 6 (Photography) see Regina
  • Breakfast 2:  See Jasmin for questions
  • Breakfast 1:  Keep working
  • PTSA:  Do you want to join?     Requirement is to attend the PTSA Goodwill event 5/3 from 9 to 1:30 PM.

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