Saturday, February 16, 2013

Senior Project Introduction

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”
― Charles Darwin
Stephany H's artwork: Senior Life

Dear Class of 2014,

Thank you for your help this year with the Thanksgiving Can Drive and the Adopt-a-Family fundraiser for a family in El Monte!   I appreciate your help.   We ended up donating about 2400 cans for the homeless and we raised about $900 in gifts to give to the family for Christmas.  Our next collaboration together will be Powder Puff in the spring.  I hope to see your continued support for that as well. 

With regards to the senior project, the senior team wanted to provide you with some important information.  You will be required to complete 10 volunteer hours during the summer with an expert in the field related to your senior project.  It is called the Summer Mentorship component, but you can also complete the hours during the second semester of your junior year.   


1.     Do I need approval for where I will be volunteering? 

No!  It is your choice and your project.  Just make sure it is at a place that is directly related to your senior project topic, i.e. don’t volunteer at an animal shelter if you are interested in architecture.

2.     How will I turn it in? 

We ask you to post about it on a blog you will create at the end of your junior year.    Do not turn your hours into the office (or do not fill out the community service or service learning form).   You will turn in a record of your hours to the senior team directly, and the senior team will submit the 10 hours to the office.  It will be due the first day of school of your senior year by 8AM.

3.     Can I work more than 10 hours?

Yes, you can work more than 10 hours and turn in more, but you will still need to complete another 50 hours during your senior year.

4.     Do my 10 hours or more count toward my 200 hours of community service required to graduate?

Yes!  However, please don’t turn in your senior project related hours to the office.  They will be turned in to the senior team the first day of senior year by 8AM.  The 50 hours you do during your senior year also counts toward the 200 hours. 

5.     When should I start contacting places for mentorship? 

Prior to March 2013.   There are some places that require you to meet deadlines before you are a senior in order to volunteer.  For example, if you are interested in doing a senior project on cancer, many places require you to start volunteering prior to the summer.

More questions?  Email Purther at

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