The final day to change your senior project topic is August 30th.
• None for anybody but those in West House...
•...remember to bring a childhood photo of yourself!
•Complete problems 1-32 on page 39 (do as many problems as possible, at least at least all level I and level II.)
•Make sure to have a composition book by Monday.
•Get class contract signed
•Complete practice problems #2 and 3 (all parts [a,b,c,...]) in statistics packet
Senior Project:
•Get the accountability contract signed, if you haven't already.
•Find at least 3 pieces of research on your topic for Research Check #1, this Friday. Only 1 of the 3 articles can be an encyclopedia. You aren't allowed to use an encyclopedia article after this research check. More info can be found in the blog below
•Blog 3 is due Friday by 8AM (info here)
•Paper for the Topic Art Poster does not have to be exactly 11 by 17 - just as close as you can get.
•Figure out what you are bringing for the Show and Tell item this Friday.
•Start scheduling Interview 1!
Other Awesomeness:
•Bring what you promised to bring for the Potluck. If you don't recall, refer to blog below. (North and East people, please send Purther a photo of your class list)
- Community service opportunity. Pomona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce needs your help. (info here)
West |
South |
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