-Complete the problems on Day 1 worksheet. The circular age has arrived...
-pg. 27 #11 and 12, and read the summary and overview
-Obtain an editorial or article and familiarize yourself with it in preparation for structured debate next week. It can be on any committee. You will have to speak for 2 to 3 minutes on it (can yield time to another member of your MA group) after which others respond with a 1 minute bit.
-Complete Cornell notes on "Conservative vs. Liberal -- a Debate" if you didn't in class. It can be found under the "Social Science Core Resources" section.
-Study the Robert Rules of Order
Model Assembly:
-Complete Cornell notes if you didn't during MA RC #1
-Get ready to choose a bill soon...
Senior Project:
-Continue doing research, taking Cornell notes in your RC notebook and keeping your WB up to date as you go along.
-Work on Independent Component and Mentorship
Extra Goodness:
-NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Monrth) has begun!
Uncle Ian!!!! (look like somebody we know?...) |
Looks like somebody likes LOTR.